What Is Genital Herpes?
Genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a virus known as herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV has two types (1/2), both of which can affect the genitals. However Type 1 is known to cause cold sores around the mouth and Type 2 is known to cause genital herpes.
How Is Genital Herpes Transmitted?
HSV is passed from person to person by close, direct contact including:
- Kisisng
- Unprotected Vaginal, Anal or Oral Sex
- Reusing Condoms
- Physical Contact of Your Partner's Genital, even if there is no penetration.
HSV can be transmitted even if there is no active breakout. This is called 'asymptomatic shedding'.
Symptoms of HSV Include:
- Painful Red Bumps / Lesions around the genital area
- Swelling of Genitals
- Ulcers / Cold Sores
- Flu-Like Symptoms
- Pain inside the vagina / head of the penis
- Vaginal Discharge
- Pain with urination
If you think that you may have genital herpes, please consult with your PCP or healthcare professional for testing and treatment. If the symptoms above are present, refrain from sexual contact and make an appointment as soon as possible.